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Definition of see
(Entry 1 of 3)
1a : to perceive by the eye
b : to perceive or detect as if by sight
2a : to be aware of : recognize sees only our faults
b : to imagine as a possibility : suppose couldn't see him as a crook
c : to form a mental picture of : visualize can still see her as she was years ago
d : to perceive the meaning or importance of : understand
3a : to come to know : discover
b : to be the setting or time of The last fifty years have seen a sweeping revolution in science …— Barry Commoner
c : to have experience of : undergo see army service
5a : to make sure See that order is kept.
b : to take care of : provide for had enough money to see us through
6a : to find acceptable or attractive can't understand what he sees in her
b : to regard as : judge
c : to prefer to have I'll see him hanged first. I'll see you dead before I accept your terms.
7a : to call on : visit
b(1) : to keep company with especially in courtship or dating had been seeing each other for a year
(2) : to grant an interview to : receive The president will see you now.
9 : to meet (a bet) in poker or to equal the bet of (a player) : call
1a : to apprehend objects by sight
b : to have the power of sight
c : to perceive objects as if by sight
2a : to look about
b : to give or pay attention
3a : to grasp something mentally
b : to acknowledge or consider something being pointed out See, I told you it would rain.
4 : to make investigation or inquiry
see after see eye to eye see red see the light see the light of day see things see through see to
: to attend to : care for
: to have a common viewpoint : agree
: to become very angry
: to discover or realize a usually obscured truth
: to become publicly known or available (as through publication) manuscripts that will never see the light of day
: to grasp the true nature of saw through the scheme
: to attend to : care for
nounDefinition of see (Entry 2 of 3)
2 : the authority or jurisdiction of a bishop
biographical nameDefinition of See (Entry 3 of 3)
Thomas Jefferson Jackson 1866–1962 American astronomer and mathematician
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