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Definition of where
(Entry 1 of 3)
conjunctionDefinition of where (Entry 2 of 3)
1a : at, in, or to what place knows where the house is
b : at, in, or to what situation, position, direction, circumstances, or respect shows where the plan leads
c : the place or point at, in, or to which couldn't see from where he was sitting kept that horse and gentled him to where I finally rode him— William Faulkner
2 : wherever goes where she likes
3a : at, in, or to which place the town where she lives
b : at or in which has reached the size where traffic is a problem two fireplaces where you can bake bread in the ovens— Randall Jarrell
4a : at, in, or to the place at, in, or to which stay where you are send him away where he'll forget
b : in a case, situation, or respect in which outstanding where endurance is called for
5 : that I've read where they do it that way in some Middle Eastern countries— Andy Rooney
nounDefinition of where (Entry 3 of 3)
2 : what place, source, or cause I know where that comes from
where it's at where one is at
1a : a place of central interest or activity
b : something (such as a topic or field of interest) of primary concern or importance education is where it's at
2 : the true nature of things
: one's true position, state, or nature
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Time Traveler for where
The first known use of where was before the 12th century
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